This is a short animation I did for one of my college class assignments. Our task was to animate a character walking. As you can see, I used the prompt a bit liberally.
This was for an animation class in my second year. The task was to record an interview with someone, then animate it. My teammates did the interview (rather poorly I might add), and I had the job of doing the animation. I…never finished it. But it was still a great way for me to exercise my creativity!
Similarly to the underwater animation above, this short was dedicated to fleshing out a world I’ve been concocting in my head for years now. Aborina, a land of ruin and mystery. I have many plans for this place in the future, rest assured. This short was done entirely with colored charcoal, and let me tell you, it was a NIGHTMARE. Still though, it holds a special place in my heart. I did the music for it myself!
I’m especially proud of this one. It was another assignment for the same class. I can’t remember what the prompt for it was, but I do know that it took FOREVER to pull off. In the end though, I love the way it turned out.
Another animation assignment. I made a whole new world under the sea specifically for it. Think “Fallout,” but aquatic. I was hoping to do more with it in the future, but as for now, this was a good way for me to establish some elements of the environment. I just wish the lighting was better!